Thursday, August 12, 2010

Setting Off!


Seeing as how I will be jetting off into the unknown (hence the pensive, wondering photo above) and leaving the US for four months; and having heard that there might be a few people wanting to keep up to date with what I will be doing and seeing, I've made this here fancy blog.  I won't be offended if only a few, or even none, of you all read this - but for those of you who are willing to let me take up some of your time, I will do my best to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.  So, without further ado - here is my first official blog post:

   At this moment, I am just about 24hrs away from shipping off to Johannesburg, South Africa for the first little jaunt of my fall semester!  At this point I think I've repacked about 6 times and have finally gotten it down to my big backpack and two carry ons - impressive (to me at least) considering I am going to be gone for four months.  I am currently trying not to be too anxious about everything - I am trying not to build expectations for the trip and in doing so have kept myself a bit in the dark about what all exactly I will be doing once I get there...  Either way, I am excited for what these next months have in store for me!  The basic jist I have of where I'll be going only comes from what my flight plans are (though there will be other trips in between these times) I will be in Jo-Burg Aug. 15th till Aug. 25th when we head to Windhoek, Namibia, where the bulk of the program happens.  Then on Nov. 27th we all go to Cape Town for the last bit of the semester - I'll be staying for six days on my own (possibly with others if they are staying later too!) after the program ends.  At this point I have no set plans, but I will probably spend those days in Cape Town - surfing for part of it I hope!
    Though there are a lot of great things in store, I have to admit that I am very sad to be leaving my internship at Portland Mennonite Church though - it has been an incredible summer and I've learned more than I could have ever hoped!  Big thanks and love go to Natalya, Rod, Curt and Rachel - you guys have blessed me in ways I cannot even begin to describe; you have taught me much and it has been a privilege to hear more about your lives and experiences.  I also have to thank all of you who were there (and there in spirit!) for my growing and discerning process during my time here in Portland these past months.  And a special thank you to Ken Domen and the kids for letting me invade their space for a while :)
   Overall, I feel exhausted, exhilarated, panicked, and joyful.  Tomorrow I plan to spend a bit of time with my Grampy, take a nice long ride on my bike before having to put it away and not touch it for months (tear!), and try to spend a few last moments with friends here in P-Town.  Again, I basically have NO idea what I am getting myself into, but what ever it is, hopefully I will have time to write about it here so you all can join in when you feel the urge and read what musings I have about life in Southern Africa.  Take care and feel free to write emails to me to give updates about your lives too! And as always, thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and encouragements.  See you in December!


Also, if you are curious about what the heck I am doing, especially if you haven't even heard that I am doing this before now... here is the program website: Namibia Program

And in case your geography is a bit rusty... here is a photo to help you see whereabouts I'll be:


  1. Maggie : am I the first one to write on this post blog???? I had no idea you were doing this program until I found out on fb. ENJOYYYYYYYY as much as you can!!! I am so sorry we didn't manage to see each other on that part of the ocean. It's been what? 7 years and we're still in contact. I am looking forward to reading more of your trip and experience and I wish you all the best. you deserve it! xxx. Juliette
